Wednesday, July 18, 2012

In memory of my feline friend

It's been almost five months since I lost my best friend. His name was Bilbo and he was my cat.I had had him since he was a kitten and I was very young myself,at age 19. I met him while I was taking a walk one day in the hot and sticky , Florida summer weather. I was singing to myself a little Alanis Morisette song that I was really fond of back then,when I heard this sound that filled me with dread. It sounded like a monster. I told myself that I needed to stay far away from whatever was making that sound because it was most likely dangerous. As I continued my walk,I realized that instead of heading away from whatever was making that sound,I was walking right towards it. Suddenly,then little black,gray,and white,tabby,kitten ran out of the scrub that was on the side of the road. I could hardly believe that such a big, mournful, sound could come from such a sweet,beautiful,creature.
I took him home with me and we bonded almost instantly. We went through many hard time together.There were times when I didn't much care for my cat and I suspected he didn't care much for me, either. Thank goodness those times were short lived.
His last year with me we grew closer than I ever imagined growing with anyone. He stayed cuddled up to me most of the time,and was pretty unhappy when I had to go away. On his final day,I held him and rocked him until he finally let go of his last, shuddering, breath. I felt so glad that I was able to be there for him when he was leaving his body.
He was such a good and loyal friend and I feel so lucky to have known him. sometimes I think I see him out of the corner of my eye,or I think of him when I'm doing something like making challah and I would let him lick the egg bowl. He always liked that.We even have a dish we named after him-Bilbo's carrot salad. The reason for this is that maybe not even a month before he died, Bilbo jumped onto the table and started eating the carrot salad. Now when we have that dish,we imagine he is there eating carrot salad in his spirit body.
I'm very grateful that I knew Bilbo and was blessed to have that kind of love in my life. Thank you for coming into my life and touching my heart,Bilbo!

1 comment:

  1. i love your blog about bilbo. the pic reminds me of times when he WASN'T chasing us around ,trying to bite our ankles. good times
